Women’s Playing Rules
Pool Play – Time Limits
Women’s Major – No new inning after 70 minutes, if home team is ahead when clock reaches 70 minutes the game is over. There is no “Play One More Inning”.
All Other Divisions – No new inning after 60 minutes, if home team is ahead when clock reaches 60 minutes the game is over. There is no “Play One More Inning”. Bracket Play – No Time Limits
No time limits in ANY DIVISION unless Weather or Tournament Director deems necessary to complete the tournament.
We will play 5 Inning Games IF we have weather issues.
All teams must be prepared to play 30 minutes prior to their schedule game time.
Lineups must be turned in 45 minutes prior to your scheduled game time.
The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify game times, playing locations, or tournament structure due to: field conditions, time constraints, safety issues, team count, or inclement weather.
There will always be a double coin flip to determine home team throughout the tournament until the championship game.
Championship Game: The undefeated team has the choice of home or visitor.
There will be no team jumping at the same tournament after first pitch.
Athletes can only play on one (1) team (Major, C, D or E), one (1) Mixed and (1) Senior team.
Men can’t play in the women’s divisions.
Women can’t play in the men’s divisions. PLAYING RULES https://usssa.com/docs/2021/SP_RuleBook_21.pdf
Major Women – Unlimited
Women’s C – 2, excess is a DBO
Women’s D – 1, excess is a IEO
Women’s Major, C, & D
20 After 3
15 After 4
10 After 5
The home book will be the official score.
Line-ups – including starters and bench players must be on the line-up.
All teams must have 9 players to start the game
The 10th Spot is an out in the line-up each time that position comes to bat EXTRA HITTER(s) (E.H.)
Teams can bat up to 12 player and finish the game with same amount. ALL LEVELS
You will take an out for any player in the line-up that you drop or is injured and can’t continue.
Teams must announce how many they are batting at the coaches meeting.
WOMEN’S TEAMS – In the spirit of the USSSA Challenge Cup, the Women’s divisions will use the CUSSSA Courtesy Runner Rule. Men’s & Women’s Courtesy Runner can be anyone on the roster for the pitcher only.
The pitcher is required to take the courtesy runner.
There is no other courtesy runner for any division.
The pitcher must toe the rubber in ALL divisions of play and the pitcher must establish contact with the rubber for 1 second prior to the pitch.
Pitchers have 5 seconds to release the ball after presenting
3 Ball – 2 Strike Count with NO COURTESY FOUL.
USSSA Pitching Rules
A caught foul ball on the 2nd strike is a live ball and runners can try and advance.
At the start of a game or when a pitcher relieves another pitcher, not more than one minute may be used to deliver not more than (3) practice pitches to the catcher or some other teammate.
Base distances of 75 feet are standard for Stadium Fields.
Base distances of 70 feet are standard for fields 325′ or smaller.
All players must stay in dugout or in an out of play area. We allow (2) on deck hitters.
No outside alcohol and/or smoking/vaping of any kind is allowed at the complex.
NO “F” bombs
NO throwing the bat
NO taunting
NO loud or vulgar music inside the parks (any violations to these rules could result in immediate ejection from the game and/or the tournament)
POOL PLAY – Forfeits during pool play games will be scored as a 10-0 game in all games.
BRACKET PLAY – Any forfeit in bracket play will be scored as a 7-0 game in all divisions
Only managers can talk to the umpire or the director regarding issues during a game. If a manager is unsure on a ruling from the on-field umpire, please ask the umpire for the tournament director or UIC immediately. Don’t wait until the game ends because it will be too late to possibly fix the situation. (TD’S Decision is Final) INJURED PLAYERS COMING OUT OF THE GAME
If a player gets injured and needs to come out of the game, all of their subsequent at bats will be considered outs if the team does not have a substitute. EJECTED PLAYERS COMING OUT OF THE GAME • When a player is ejected from the game, all of their subsequent at bats will be considered outs if the team does not have a substitute.
Must be announced.